
A photo of mb bischoff in a red lip and leather jacket.

mb bischoff (she/they) makes  apps,  posts, &  podcasts changes

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Tagged #app store


MSCHF App Screenshot The delightful weirdos over at performance art/tech company MSCHF just launched a new app. The app does what they used to do via text messages until the phone companies starting blocking their numbers: allows you to chat with them and sends you a notification every two weeks when they announce drop their new project.

It’s good to see that even in a global pandemic, the crew over there will continue to bring us absurdly joyful things like All the Streams, Puff the Squeaky Chicken, and MSCHF Box.

App Store

#app #app store #art #mschf #startups

Tokens Acquired by Gikken 

Of course, we didn’t purchase it to shut down or leave unchanged, so we’re planning a major makeover – Tokens 2.

Most importantly, Tokens will finally start supporting IAP promo codes! On top of that, we’ll refresh the look and make an iOS app to make it possible to generate codes on the go.

Great news for such a useful developer tool that’s been missing from my toolbelt for a while. My only question is whether Apple will approve the iOS app.

#app #app store #apple #ios #programming