
A photo of mb bischoff in a red lip and leather jacket.

mb bischoff (she/they) makes  apps,  posts, &  podcasts changes

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Under Construction

a process for progress

What if something was designed one day, one change at a time?
What if every day, it got just a tiny bit better?
With time, revealed more of itself?

This project explores the ideas of continuous improvement, impermanence, and gradual transitions.

It’s inspired by Under Construction GIFs, Wikipedia, Thing a Week, Song a Day, Atomic Habits, HRT, the IndieWeb, & CSS Zen Garden.


  1. Start with the minimal markup and styles needed.
  2. Make at least one small change every day.
  3. Change the rules whenever.


Each change will be documented here with a dated commit & screenshot.

Added Letterboxd to watching
Change image for 2024-04-30
Near-live clock for now page
Change image for 2024-04-29
Updated footer links
Change image for 2024-04-28
Added newsletter subscription to footer
Change image for 2024-04-27
Fontawesome buttons
Change image for 2024-04-26
Smooth scrolling
Recursive font stack
Change image for 2024-04-24
Better mark styling
Change image for 2024-04-23
End marks
Change image for 2024-04-22
Silly header animation
Simplifies vertical rhythm code
Change image for 2024-04-20
Hanging punctuation
Change image for 2024-04-19
Better red for blockquotes
Change image for 2024-04-18
Red blockquotes?
Change image for 2024-04-17
Blockquote styling
Change image for 2024-04-16
<address> shouldn’t be italic
Change image for 2024-04-15
Improve toggle animation
Nav bar icons
Change image for 2024-04-13
Highlighted text background color
Change image for 2024-04-12
Navbar and footer dividers
Change image for 2024-04-11
Decrease prominence of time on posts
Change image for 2024-04-10
Smaller, better aligned post dates
Change image for 2024-04-09
Dark mode
Change image for 2024-04-08
Added toggle for dot grid
Change image for 2024-04-07
Added dot grid
Change image for 2024-04-06
Updates font to Halyard
Change image for 2024-04-05
Padding on the body to account for list gutters
Change image for 2024-04-04
Hanging bullets
Change image for 2024-04-03
Padding for the body (especially for mobile)
Change image for 2024-04-02
Images have a maximum width of 100%
Change image for 2024-04-01